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Courage Endorses Slate of California Ballot Propositions Ahead of 2024 General Election

Los Angeles —  Courage California announced its YES endorsements of propositions 3, 4, 5, and 6 – and NO on propositions 35 and 36 – a slate that will positively impact the health of all Californians and protect our communities. The statewide, multi-issue organization and its 1.4 million members, will work continuously until election day to ensure voters understand the value of the endorsed propositions and are passed in the November 5th, 2024 election.   

  • Yes on Prop 3, to repeal Proposition 8 and protect marriage equality in the state constitution: Would remove the constitutional language indicating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and affirm the fundamental right to marry.
  • Yes on Prop 4, Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act: Would allow the state to borrow $10 billion to be urgently allocated across various climate projects and reimbursed by taxpayers through a bond.
  • Yes on Prop 5, to ease the ability to pass local measures to fund infrastructure and affordable housing: Would reduce the vote threshold to 55% of the popular vote to provide local governments with a better opportunity to move forward on these local service and development projects using public funds.
  • Yes on Prop 6, to eliminate involuntary servitude or slavery: Would repeal and replace state constitutional language to clearly outlaw the use of involuntary servitude under any circumstances, and allow the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to instead issue credits to incarcerated people for the acceptance of voluntary work assignments during their incarceration.
  • No on Prop 35, to protect investments in critical community health programs: Would make the current managed care organization (MCO) tax permanent, place a ceiling on the amount of tax commercial health plans would be required to pay ($2.75/member), and redirect billions of dollars that support the Medi-Cal program and the state general fund to specified provider rate increases. And it would effectively reduce Medi-Cal investments by $1 billion to $2 billion a year, including in the current 2024/2025 budget, and repeal existing investments in key community healthcare providers.
  • No on Prop 36, to prevent a return to over-incarceration and protect public safety programs: Would upend the progress that Proposition 47 established to increase community investment in mental health services, victim services, substance use treatment, and diversion programs, and would refocus on mass incarceration–costing taxpayers more than $26 billion in prison costs in the next decade.

This November, Californians will vote on transformative ballot propositions that will protect marriage equality, increase funding for climate protections, make it easier to fund local affordable housing, eliminate involuntary servitude, protect investments in critical community health programs, and prevent a return to over-incarceration and protect successful rehabilitation programs. Courage California is confident that voters will overwhelmingly support the restorative propositions we have endorsed because Californians are committed to making progress, expanding rights, and investing in our communities,” said Irene Kao, Executive Director of Courage California. “It is crucial that all eligible voters in California turnout for this election and vote their values, down the ballot, to protect and expand investments in our communities and get us closer to ensuring everyone has equal protection under our laws. Now through election day, we will mobilize our members to inform voters statewide of the opportunity to directly set transformative policies that will serve Californians, this November.”  

Courage California works with local and statewide partners to campaign in support of endorsed ballot measures that champion community-driven issues and solutions.

Voters can learn more about propositions in Courage California’s 2024 Voter Guide, for the November General Election. 

Courage California, formerly Courage Campaign, works to unite communities organizing for progressive change, fight the forces of corruption, and hold our representatives to account in order to ensure that California’s elected officials act with courage. Our community of members envision California as a model of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy that sets the standard for our country.


Angela Chavez