Thursday, 30 January 2014
Brett Abrams : 516-841-1105 :
VISA Customers Pledge to Drop Credit-Card Co. Over Failure to Speak Out Against Russia’s Anti-LGBT Laws Ahead of 2014 Sochi Olympics
Over 3,500 Join Renowned Oscar and Grammy-Winner Composer Stephen Schwartz in Cancelling their VISA Cards
SOCHI, RUSSIA — By Friday, February 7th, the opening day of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, more than 3,500 VISA customers and members of the California-based will join renowed Oscar and Grammy-winning composer, Stephen Schwartz, in dropping the credit card company over its refusal to speak out against Russia’s anti-LGBT laws. VISA, a global sponsor of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia has remained silent about Russia’s draconian anti-LGBT laws that make a mockery of the Olympic Games as an international celebration of diversity and community.
“As a major sponsor of the 2014 Sochi Olympics and self-proclaimed supporter of human rights, VISA has a responsibility to speak out against Russia’s persecution of millions of its own LGBT citizens,” explained renowned Oscar and Grammy-winning composer, Stephen Schwartz. “Remaining silent about atrocities against humanity is to be complicit in them. I expect more from a global business leader like VISA.”
“That’s why I’ve decided to put my money where my mouth (and heart) is by closing all of my accounts with VISA and switching to another credit card company. In my case, I switched to MasterCard. It was easy and fast, and I made sure VISA knew why I was doing it.” added Schwartz.
Schwartz originally sent an email to his friends and family urging them to drop VISA, but thanks to his collaboration with, his message has gone much wider.
For more information, or interviews with, please contact Brett Abrams at 516-841-1105 or by email at
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