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LGBT Leader in Support of Hagel Nomination Available

Rick Jacobs, Executive Director – Courage Campaign

LGBT Leader in Support of Hagel’s Nomination for Secretary of Defense

Doug Gordon : 202-494-5141 :

Two weeks ago prominent LGBT activist Rick Jacobs, head of the Courage Campaign, came out in support of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.  In an op-ed posted on the Huffington Post, Jacobs wrote in part:

“And let’s be clear about one thing: no one trying to derail his nomination attacks his qualifications. Instead, they seek to score political points and/or act at the behest of powerful special interests by denying the president his choice as defense chief. This sort of political jockeying disgusts the public, further erodes public faith in Washington and weakens our country.”

You can read Rick Jacobs full article here:

For additional coverage of Mr. Jacobs’ statements:

# # # # # is an online organizing network that empowers more than 750,000 grassroots and netroots activists to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. As a leading multi-issue advocacy organization, Courage Campaign’s work is supported by thousands of small donations from our diverse community. 

Courage California, formerly Courage Campaign, works to unite communities organizing for progressive change, fight the forces of corruption, and hold our representatives to account in order to ensure that California’s elected officials act with courage. Our community of members envision California as a model of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy that sets the standard for our country.


Angela Chavez