Walmart: Stop Selling Assault Rifles
The world’s largest retailer — and America’s largest gun dealer — could make a good faith effort to help stop gun violence by joining Dick’s Sporting Goods in voluntarily stopping … Continued
The world’s largest retailer — and America’s largest gun dealer — could make a good faith effort to help stop gun violence by joining Dick’s Sporting Goods in voluntarily stopping … Continued
CNN covers Courage Campaign’s Rick Jacobs statement in support of President Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as U.S. defense secretary.
Huffington Post covers Courage Campaign’s Rick Jacobs’ op-ed defending Chuck Hagel’s nomination for Secretary of Defense from criticism by conservative gay group, Log Cabin Republicans.
KRLD-AM (CBS Radio – Dallas) talks to Courage Campaign’s Rick Jacobs about new campaign demanding Walmart no longer sell assault weapons and ammunition.
U.S.News & World Report covers campaign by Courage Campaign, MomsRising, and demanding that Walmart no longer sell assault weapons and ammunition. More than 120,000 signed a petition demanding that … Continued
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is authoring a new ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammo, but she needs our help.
Courage Campaign is leading a campaign to ban assault weapons, expose the NRA as a fraud, and pass common sense laws to end gun violence, like closing the gun show … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, 11 December 2012 CONTACT: Unbendable Media : 516-841-1105 : Today, the Courage Campaign is calling on President Obama to speak out more forcefully in support … Continued
Sign our petition urging President Obama and the DOJ to file a brief with the Supreme Court declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, 06 December 2012 CONTACT: Doug Gordon : 202-494-5141 : Courage Campaign Joins Effort To Get Mayor Villaraigosa To Resign From Fix The Debt Campaign Statement … Continued