Stop dealers from selling killer cars to consumers!
Due to a loophole in California law, car dealers are allowed to sell used cars without repairing safety recalls first. An analysis by CarFax shows that 36 million cars on … Continued
Due to a loophole in California law, car dealers are allowed to sell used cars without repairing safety recalls first. An analysis by CarFax shows that 36 million cars on … Continued
The people of California are hurting. Badly. We have the highest poverty rate in the nation. More than $36 billion in funding for education, childcare, healthcare, nutrition, and housing were … Continued
California’s students deserve better. After years of budget cuts, most of our students have no access to medical care or counseling services during the school day and library hours at … Continued
In the past few decades, CEO compensation has skyrocketed to as much as 354 times more than their average worker, while workers’ wages have stagnated to some of the lowest … Continued
The audio recording that allegedly features LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling on a racist and sexist rant — telling his girlfriend that she can’t be seen with black people in … Continued
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) has received criminal charges for their gross negligence in the 2010 fatal explosion in San Bruno, California, but PG&E executives have consistently avoided any potential … Continued
Courage Campaign and our allies have launched an unprecedented step to take back our state government from corporate corruption. It’s called the Big Oil Beacon, and it will shine a … Continued
We’ve kept the heat on WGBH, demanding they remove prominent climate change denier David Koch from their Board. And now we have a huge opportunity to take our work to … Continued
With all the known health and environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a “fracking”), California, a supposed climate change leader, must change course on fracking! That’s why member-activists like you must … Continued
After the Tea Party forced billions in cuts to SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) a.k.a. “food stamps,” a bipartisan group of governors from around the country are fighting back … Continued