San Diego & ALEC Don’t Mix
San Diego does NOT need a right-wing conservative legislation factory like ALEC writing laws for our city. This is what ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) has done in states like … Continued
San Diego does NOT need a right-wing conservative legislation factory like ALEC writing laws for our city. This is what ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) has done in states like … Continued
Governor Brown vetoed a historic, bi-partisan bill that would have begun to rollback California’s catastrophic “War on Drugs.” In doing so, he confirmed our worst fears that he cares more … Continued
Governor Brown VETOED the LIFE (Lifesaving Intelligent Firearms Enforcement) Act, including a bill that would have created the nation’s first loophole-free assault weapons ban. He chose to put craven political … Continued
Speaker Boehner’s shutdown is kicking ABUSED WOMEN onto the street. Domestic violence shelters and rape crisis programs across the country have begun losing the federal funding they need to keep … Continued
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives decided to shut down the government rather than pass a spending bill that funds the Affordable Care Act, even though the Supreme Court already upheld … Continued
Conservative Extremist, David Koch sits on the Board of the most influential PBS station in the country, WGBH in Boston. He’s already used his influence to corrupt another major PBS … Continued
Key bills from the LIFE (Lifesaving Intelligent Firearms Enforcement) Act sit on Gov. Brown’s desk — including a loophole-free assault weapons ban and background checks for ammunition purchases. With the … Continued
SB 649 is a historic & bi-partisan drug sentencing reform bill that will save taxpayer dollars and reduce overcrowding in our prisons by allowing prosecutors to charge non-violent drug possession … Continued
Gov. Jerry Brown wants to raid the budget surplus created by Prop 30 so he can throw $715 MILLION down the black hole of California’s prison system, rather than spend … Continued
Is Visa’s support for LGBT rights real or just a marketing scheme? Tell them to use their influence as a major Olympic sponsor and speak out against Russia’s anti-gay laws.