Tell your Representative: “Stand with Bernie: No cuts to Social Security.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is not going to let President Obama cut Social Security. Demand that your Member of Congress stand with him!
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is not going to let President Obama cut Social Security. Demand that your Member of Congress stand with him!
News just broke that Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) helped broker a key deal between farmworkers and growers on immigration reform. Thank her and ask her to use her influence to push … Continued
First it was Tea Party funders David and Charles Koch. Now their radical right-wing buddy, Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch, has joined the race for the Los Angeles Times. Tell … Continued
Our immigration system is broken. It’s forcing our friends and neighbors to live in the shadows, reducing economic growth, and making the American Dream a criminal offense. Rather than rely … Continued
There’s a new threat to Obamacare: Sacramento. Gov. Brown is holding up negotiations on the bill to expand Medicaid coverage to more than one million Californians. Some of his suggestions … Continued
Close loopholes and make common sense reforms. Become a citizen co-sponsor of the LIFE Act. Eight bills that will make California’s gun laws the safest in the nation.
The blogging team at the #1 website for coverage of the Prop 8 and DOMA trials is preparing to attend the Supreme Court hearings, but needs your help to get … Continued
Attend rallies for respect, dignity, and equality in DC and across the country as the Supreme Court prepares to hear the Prop 8 and DOMA cases!
The Big Banks’ latest scam: working with payday lenders to intentionally overdraft customer’s account and collect millions in overdraft fees. Federal regulators can stop this — tell them to close … Continued
Will real gun safety reform move forward, or will the Senate Judiciary Committee kill it? Please take a minute, call, and ask your Senator to support all four bills. We’ll … Continued