Thank the 49ers for standing up against homophobia
Sign our thank you letter to 49ers CEO York and Coach Harbaugh for taking a stand against homophobia on their team!
Sign our thank you letter to 49ers CEO York and Coach Harbaugh for taking a stand against homophobia on their team!
UPDATE: As of February 2013, the Justice Department continues to raid legal dispensaries. The Justice Department, led by Attorney General Eric Holder, has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars going after … Continued
The world’s largest retailer — and America’s largest gun dealer — could make a good faith effort to help stop gun violence by joining Dick’s Sporting Goods in voluntarily stopping … Continued
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is authoring a new ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammo, but she needs our help.
Courage Campaign is leading a campaign to ban assault weapons, expose the NRA as a fraud, and pass common sense laws to end gun violence, like closing the gun show … Continued
Sign our petition urging President Obama and the DOJ to file a brief with the Supreme Court declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional.
Now that marriage is legal in 3 additional states, we need to Dump DOMA so these impending newlyweds have the 1,138 federal rights they deserve. Sign up for our campaign!
Prominent national Republicans are finally realizing they were elected to serve their constituents, not to honor a silly anti-tax pledge made to Grover Norquist — the infamous lobbyist. Will California’s … Continued
Walmart has long been notorious for its low wages, poor benefits, and dangerous working conditions. On Black Friday, Walmart employees throughout the company’s vast operations — from factories and warehouses … Continued
President Obama backed down on the Bush tax cuts in December 2010, but fresh from winning re-election, we need to make sure he keeps his commitment to end them. We … Continued