The TV Ad that Could Pass Prop. 30 (VIDEO)
UPDATE: We won! In November 2012, Prop. 30 passed with 55% of the vote. The ad was played in the Los Angeles market prior to the election and helped lead … Continued
UPDATE: We won! In November 2012, Prop. 30 passed with 55% of the vote. The ad was played in the Los Angeles market prior to the election and helped lead … Continued
Are you ready to vote on all 11 (eleven!) propositions on California’s November 2012 ballot? Check out our Progressive Voter Guide and learn what California’s most trusted progressive organizations think … Continued
The Millionaires Tax campaign is over. After mobilizing massive grassroots support for the initiative, we convinced Gov. Brown to combine his proposed initiative with ours creating Proposition 30, which passed … Continued
The Millionaires Tax campaign is over. After mobilizing massive grassroots support for the initiative, we convinced Gov. Brown to combine his proposed initiative with ours creating Proposition 30, which passed … Continued
Watch the video and see how Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes (D-Los Angeles) treats bank lobbyists in comparison to his constituents.
California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris, announced a new package of bills dubbed the Homeowners Bill of Rights, a powerful step toward ending the mortgage nightmare the Big Bank’s have inflicted … Continued
Yesterday, Attorney General Kamala Harris announced that she would NOT agree to the current settlement deal with the Big Banks since it is “inadequate for California.” She refused to join … Continued
UPDATE: AG Harris eventually signed onto a massively revised national settlement deal in January of 2012. Thanks to AG Harris the deal guaranteed $18 billion for California, a massive improvement … Continued
If you have a computer and a phone, you can help same-sex couples in Washington win the respect, dignity and rights all loving couples deserve.
Courage Campaign members helped get SB 1172 onto Gov. Brown’s desk, which would prevent mental health professionals in California from practicing sexual orientation change “therapy” on LGBT youth in California. … Continued