Tell the DNC: Pony up to fight for 2012 marriage equality ballot initiatives!
We’re launching a campaign to make sure the DNC chips in to fight for equal rights at the ballot in 2012 as they did in 2008 to fight Prop 8. … Continued
We’re launching a campaign to make sure the DNC chips in to fight for equal rights at the ballot in 2012 as they did in 2008 to fight Prop 8. … Continued
Our ballot initiative is THE income tax ballot measure with overwhelming support in California. Van Jones thinks it will electrify a generation! It refunds cuts to education & vital services … Continued
The 9th Circuit overturned Prop 8, but there’s another stay on the decision. People in same-sex couples are literally dying to get married while the Prop 8 trial drags on. … Continued
We’re 2 for 2 in the courts on defeating Prop 8. Now comes the big stage. Our opponents, and the National Organization for Marriage have already stated they’re planning … Continued
California Attorney General Kamala Harris just refused to give in to the Big Banks on the 50-state settlement. Sign our thank-you card!
There is an epic showdown coming next month as our country faces the “fiscal cliff” — the Bush tax cuts will expire and major budget cuts will be triggered automatically. … Continued
Millionaires like the Kardashians only pay 1% more in taxes than a middle-class Californian. That’s not OK, especially when budget cuts are decimating our communities. Watch our video that clearly … Continued
Whistleblowers have risked their careers to contribute to a report describing an unmistakable pattern of illegal and deceptive practices in Kaiser Permanente’s delivery of mental health services. Click to demand … Continued
With your help, last month we kept the FAIR Education Act from a ballot referendum. Now, its opponents have filed for 2012 initiative to repeal it. So it’s time to … Continued
Veterans Day is coming up on Thursday and there’s only a few weeks left until the Senate’s lame-duck session ends. The clock is running out on on repeal — perhaps … Continued