The Sacramento Bee cites Courage Campaign as Governor Brown unveils his revised 2015 budget
Here are some initial reviews of the governor’s revised spending plan Thursday
Here are some initial reviews of the governor’s revised spending plan Thursday
Thirsty foods: Musician Moby joined the Courage Campaign to ask Gov. Jerry Brown to “realign” the state’s water rights. For the campaign, that means cracking down on almonds, beef and … Continued
While most celebs are making headlines in California’s drought for their unnaturally green and fragrant lawns, a few public figures have stepped up to offer real solutions for the state. … Continued
“We shouldn’t be bottling water, and we should look at the other uses of water as well, like soda and certain crops, or the crazy amount of water that goes … Continued
“In a historic drought like we are having, it just seems like a really, really poor use of a scarce resource,” said Eddie Kurtz, the executive director of the California-based … Continued
Starbucks says it will stop producing the bottled water brand Ethos Water in California due to the drought and will instead move the bottling operation to Pennsylvania.
Unless California experiences an El-Nino type storm system by the end of the year, the serious 4-year drought affecting the nation’s most populous state could continue into the foreseeable future. … Continued
Californians facing the prospect of endless drought, mandated cuts in water use and the browning of their summer lawns are mounting a revolt against the bottled water industry, following revelations … Continued
One of the largest water bottling and snack producers in the country is under fire again in California as Nestle Waters using an expired permit to pump water for its … Continued
A handful of consumers, advocacy groups and content creators banded together in downtown Los Angeles on Tuesday to protest the proposed Comcast Corp.-Time Warner Cable merger.