Category: In The News
The San Diego Union-Tribune picks up Courage Campaign’s Reaction to the Lincoln Club’s Racist Mailer
A negative campaign mailer criticizing mayoral candidate David Alvarez is drawing attention not for what it says but for how it makes him look. The pro-business Lincoln Club through its … Continued
The San Diego Reader: Political group targets Issa with anti-disclosure petition
Darrell Issa has established a reputation for publicizing potentially sensitive government documents — in May 2011 he leaked documents that had been placed under court seal in his Fast and … Continued
BUZZFEED talks to Dr. Paul Song about the CA GOP’s Fake Obamacare Website
California Democrats say that a website run by the states’ Republican Assembly caucus is misleading, but there are no plans to shut it down, a caucus spokesperson said.
MSNBC cites Courage Campaign petition in response to CA GOP’s Manipulative ACA Website
Fake health-care websites have cropped up like crab grass this fall, as crooks try to dupe consumers shopping for coverage through the insurance exchanges. On Tuesday, Kentucky Attorney General Jack … Continued
LA Weekly cites Courage Campaign reaction to CA GOP’s Sham Health Care Website
Obamacare registration has been a disaster as a result of the Affordable Care Act’s craptastic website. But California has been a notable exception. The Covered California website works. And people … Continued
KPCC-FM talks to Dr. Paul Song about the CA GOP’s Fake Obamacare Website
If you’ve heard of the Affordable Care Act, you’ve heard about the many problems with its rollout both nationwide and here in California. Now, there’s concern that Republican members of … Continued
The San Francisco Chronicle reports on the blowback around the California GOP’s Fake Obamacare Website
California Assembly Republicans are getting blowback for a website that points out some of the, ahem, shortcomings of the new health care law. Not only does it share a similar … Continued
ABC News cites Courage Campaign pushing back against the CA GOP’s Sham Obamacare Website
The California Republican Assembly has come under attack this week for, which critics claim is a “deceptive” website meant to dissuade Californians from signing up on the state health … Continued
The San Francisco Chronicle profiles Courage Campaign’s Push Back Against Mayor Lee’s Support of the 1%
Everybody has their, “Holy cow, I can’t believe life in San Francisco is so expensive!” tale of woe. For Eddie Kurtz, it was reading about a $4 piece of toast. … Continued