Are young voters the key to Gavin Newsom surviving the recall?
Matthew Reagan | San Francisco Chronicle | September 6, 2021 Still, the youngest eligible Californians are least likely of any age group to register, or to vote. In a poll … Continued
Matthew Reagan | San Francisco Chronicle | September 6, 2021 Still, the youngest eligible Californians are least likely of any age group to register, or to vote. In a poll … Continued
Lara Korte | Sacramento Bee | September 2, 2021 More than a dozen civic groups signed a letter asking four of the world’s most powerful social media platforms to take action to … Continued
Jeremy Stahl | Slate | August 29, 2021 Dianne Feinstein’s age and health mean the stakes could include the party’s majority in the U.S. Senate. The Sept. 14 recall to … Continued
David Siders | Politico | August 23, 2021 Democrats turned out in record numbers when they had Trump to vote against. But in one of the first, large-scale tests of … Continued
Joe Garofoli | San Franciso Chronicle | August 24, 2021 On Tuesday, the 1.4 million-member liberal activist group Courage California released a survey that found that 30% of voters under … Continued
Andrew Sheeler | Sacramento Bee | August 25,2021 Courage California has commissioned a new poll of young voters that finds a majority of young people (59%) plan on voting in the … Continued
Joe Garofoli | San Francisco Chronicle | June 16, 2021 Feinstein’s support is its lowest ever, according to a May survey by the Berkeley IGS Poll. Just 35% of voters statewide approved … Continued
Irene Kao, Executive Director of Courage California, shares her progressive vision, pandemic background noise and all. Happy kid voices sprinkle this conversation about what it means to have a truly … Continued
Coalition warns ad buys on Fox News will fund COVID-19 conspiracies, white supremacy, bigotry, and misinformation. The letter was signed by Courage California.
BY IRENE KAO and MANUEL PASTOR | CAPITOL WEEKLY | 05.17.2021 With the signatures tallied and the threshold for recall election met, media attention will soon shift to the campaign ahead. Will … Continued