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Editing the header, footer and sidebar content

Changing the menu in the header and footer.

  1. Select “Edit Header Content”/”Edit Footer Content”.
  2. Select “Edit the Footer/Header menu? Click here.”
  3. You can move items around and create hierarchies by dragging and dropping items. Menu drag and drop.png
    • Make sure to select “Save” after making any changes to the menu.
  4. Add new menu items by selecting “+ Add a link” at the top of the page.
  5. Enter the title for your menu item.
  6. Enter the path. This is the slug of the page you want that item to point to. For example, privacypolicy for
  7. Add an optional description. This is the text that will show when people over over the link.
  8. Make sure “Enabled” is checked. If it is unchecked, the menu item will not show up.
  9. You can either add it as a sub-page to a current menu item under “parent link” or publish it as is and drag and drop the item under the right parent link.
  10. Make sure to hit “Save”.

Editing other sections

  1. Select “Edit Header Content”/”Edit Footer Content”.
  2. Select “Edit another section of the header/footer? Click here. “
  3. You will be taken to a page with an outline of the content in the footer. The sections are all labeled.
  4. Select the gear icon for the section you wish to edit.
  5. Select “Edit block”. Edit block.png
  6. You will be taken to the appropriate edit screen, where you can make your changes.