Last week, Courage California Institute launched Your Power is Your Vote initiative to support young people, people of color, and all high potential voters to register and vote, with confidence, this year — and for years to come.
Along with the launch of an educational and informational online voting tool, Courage California Institute also hosted “Your Power is Your Vote: California Informational Voting Town Hall,” a Your Power is Your Vote launch event that featured a virtual discussion about the changes to California’s voting process during the pandemic, the different options voters have to cast their ballot this year, and how to ensure your vote is received and counted. The town hall was open to the public and featured ACLU Northern California, Black Women for Wellness, California Native Vote Project, Common Cause, UFCW, and Courage California Institute who spoke to challenges our communities face, as well as organizing and voting during the pandemic.
Hundreds of people virtually attended the voter education town hall on Zoom and Facebook live. A drop in a bucket, when compared to Your Power is Your Vote’s goal to register 100,000 new voters and engage 1,000,000 total voters by November 3rd. (You can help by spreading the word!)
At the town hall, voters and future voters learned about Courage California Institute’s new website:, an online resource center for all Californians — regardless of party or politics — for voting information and everything a voter needs to make a voting plan and to be vote ready for this year’s election.

Town hall attendees left the event with a voting plan checklist, everything needed to make their voting plan this year, and were encouraged to help their friends and families make a voting plan before ballots get mailed on October 5.

Your Power is Your Vote: California Informational Voting Town Hall encouraged all Califronians to visit Courage California Institute’s website to register to vote, check and/or update your voter registration, learn about key dates, find answers to Calfornians frequently asked questions, sign up for reliable update on voting during the pandemic, and to learn about upcoming civic engagement events hosted by the Institute.
Courage California Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the educational arm of the Courage California family of organizations. Its mission is to defend and extend economic justice, human rights, and corporate and political accountability through public education, strategic research, and innovative leadership-development training. Tweet us at: @CourageCAInst